sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Taller Unidades 1 y 2.

A. Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario.

1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés.
Human Reliability Analysis
The term "human reliability" is usually defined as the probability that a person will correctly performs some system-required activity during a given time period (if time is a limiting factor) without performing any extraneous activity that can degrade the system. The historical background for the development of the set of methods that are commonly referred to as Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) was the need to describe incorrect human actions in the context of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) or Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA). The premises for HRA were, and are, therefore that it must function within the constraints defined by PRA/PSA, and specifically that it can produce the human action probabilities that are needed by the PRA/PSA.
The accident sequence that is analysed by a PRA/PSA is typically represented as an event tree. A node in the sequence of events that may lead to the accident represents a specific function, task, or activity that can have two different outcomes, usually denoted success and failure. A node can either represent the function of a technical system or component, or the interaction between an operator and the process. For example, if the analysis considers the sequence of events that are part of landing an aircraft, the event "timely extraction of flaps", which is an action that must be taken by the pilot, is represented by a node. From the perspective of the PRA/PSA there is a need to know whether it is likely that an event will succeed or fail, and further to determine the probability of failure in order to calculate the combined probability that a specific outcome or end state will occur. If the node represents the function of a mechanical or electronic component, the failure probability can, in principle, be calculated based on engineering knowledge alone. If the node represents the interaction between an operator and the process, engineering knowledge must be supplemented by a way of calculating the probability that the human, as a "component", will fail. Historically, the role of HRA has been to provide the foundation for calculating this probability. The sought for value has traditionally been called a human error probability (HEP), but as the following will show this is both a misunderstood and misleading term.

Human Error probabilities and Performance Shaping Factors
The practice of HRA goes back to the early 1960s, but the majority of HRA methods were developed in the middle of the 1980s – mainly as a consequence of the concern caused by the accident in 1979 at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island. Partly due to the conditions under which it was developed, HRA methods from the beginning used procedures similar to those employed in conventional reliability analysis. The main difference was that human task activities were substituted for equipment failures and that modifications were made to account for the greater variability and interdependence of human performance as compared with that of equipment. The traditional approach is first to determine the HEP for a node, either by using established tables, human reliability models, or expert judgement. The characterisation of human failure modes is usually very simple, for instance in terms of "error of omission" and "errors of commission". Since human actions clearly do not take place in a vacuum, a second step is to account for the influence of possible Performance Shaping Factors (PSF) such as task characteristics, aspects of the physical environment, work time characteristics, etc. This influence is expressed as a numerical factor that is used to modify the basic HEP.

2. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
performing: v. Realizando.

extraneous: adj. Extraño.

outcomes: n. Resultados.

3. Idea principal del texto (en español).
El texto trata sobre el análisis de confiabilidad humana, que es la probabilidad que tiene la persona de realizar correctamente su labor sin realizar una extrana actividad. Los antecedentes para el desarrollo del conjunto de métodos que comúnmente se conoce como Análisis de Confiabilidad Humana, que partede la necesidad de describir incorrecta las acciones humanas en el contexto de la evaluación de riesgos probabilísticos o Análisis Probabilístico de Seguridad.

4. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria).
·         Palabras de contenido: Human, accident.
·         Palabras de Función: it, in.
·         Verbos: performing, can.
·         Adverbio: specifically, typically.
·         Adjetivo: technical, combined.
·         Artículo: a,  the.
·         Preposiciones: in, of.
·         Conjunción: and, that.
·         Cognados verdaderos: Analysis, activity.
·         cognados Falsos:
·         Sufijo: beginning, specifically.
·         Prefijos: misunderstood, interdependence.

B. Estructura de la oración: (2 ejemplos)

Oración 1.

·        HRA methods from the beginning used procedures similar to those employed inconventional reliability analysis.         
Frase nominal: HRA methods from the beginning
Nucleo de la frase nominal:  methods
Pre modificadores: hra
post modificadores:  from the beginning
Frase verbal:used procedures similar to those employed inconventional reliability analysis.     
Nucleo de la frase verbal:used
Tiempo verbal: pasado simple

Oración 2.
·                     The traditional approach is first to determine the HEP for a node, either by using established tables, human reliability models, or expert judgement.

Frase nominal: The traditional approach
Nucleo de la frase nominal: approach
Pre modificadores: The traditional
post modificadores:
Frase verbal: is first to determine the HEP for a node, either by using established tables, human reliability models, or expert judgement.

Nucleo de la frase verbal: is                
Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Ejercicio 3.2

William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – December 20, 1993) was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and consultant. He is perhaps best known for his work in Japan. There, from 1950 onward, he taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality, testing and sales (the last through global markets) through various methods, including the application of statistical methods.
Deming made a significant contribution to Japan's later reputation for innovative high-quality products and its economic power. He is regarded as having had more impact upon Japanese manufacturing and business than any other individual not of Japanese heritage. Despite being considered something of a hero in Japan, he was only just beginning to win widespread recognition in the U.S. at the time of his death.

1.       En qué país nació Deming? Deming was born in America.

2.       Cuál  fue su profesión? Was statistical, as well as being a professor, author, lecturer and consultant.

3.       Cuál  fue el  país donde le reconocieron su labor?  Japan.

4.       Cuál fué su labor en Japón? Deming made a significant contribution to Japan's later reputation for innovative high-quality products and its economic power

Ejercicio 3.1

Aquí no hay quien viva (Spanish, 'No One Can Live Here' or, translated more freely, 'This Place is Awful') is a Spanish television comedy focusing on the inhabitants of the fictional building in Desengaño 21, Calle Desengaño being a street between the Districts of Gran Via and Chueca in Madrid. The episodes debuted on the Antena 3 network, and were later rerun by the same network as well as cable/satellite channels Factoría de Ficción and Paramount Comedy. Antena 3 Internacional satellite channel broadcasts the series to Latin America. The series debuted in 2003 and became popular thanks to its funny characters, witty script, and capacity to integrate and poke fun at contemporary issues; the program presents a caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society.
In 2006, Antena 3's rival Telecinco acquired a 15% share of Miramón Mendi, the company that produces the series. Miramón's contract with Antena 3 expired on June 2006 and was not renewed, bringing the series to an end, since the actors' contracts bind them to the production company and not to the network. Miramón Mendi then created a new series for Telecinco with most of the same actors and a similar setting, but with brand-new characters and storyline. La que se avecina débuted 22 April 2007.
Predicción, deducción, Skimming
          Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen.
          Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
          De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Sobre una serie llamada “Aquí no hay quien viva”

          ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Sobre una comedia española llamada “Aquí no hay quien viva”, sus comienzos se dieron en en canal Antena 3, en el año 2003, y la serie llegó a Latinoamerica mediante la señal satelital, siendo esta una comedia divertida, con personajes ingeniosos, y burlandose de los problemas contemporáneos que se presentan en la actualidad española.
          ¿Que palabras se repiten?
Series  satellite  channel  Comedy
          ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Series,  Satellite, Comedy, debuted, production, episodes.
          ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Aquí no hay quien viva, The episodes, Spanish television, comedy.
          ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Se centra en una comedia española, donde parte de los habitantes de un edificio de la calle Desengaño, ubicada en Madrid España, el  canal de televisión donde debutó la serie fue Antena 3, en el año 2003 y luego la transmisión fue cable o satélite donde este programa llegó a Latinoamérica.

En el año 2006, Antena 3 adquirió una participación de un 15%, sobre Miramón Mendi, que es la empresa que produce la serie, y el contrato que tenía con canal Antena 3 expiró y no fue renovado por ello la serie se dejo de transmitir en el año 2006.. Creando una serie similar llamada la que se avecina debuto en Abril de 2007.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Ejercicio 2

Project Management is the acquired knowledge and skills applied using a formal set of tools and techniques to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, control and close projects.
In today's economy, all business lines have incorporated Project Management as an integral part of their operational practices. Project Management has helped businesses to accompalish their pre-defined objectives within the defined time limits. Project Management has facilitated all business sectors to make profitable decisions as well as operationalize strategies to bring their projects to completion.
Project Management has brought profitability to various Business Lines in numerous ways. Few of the important ones have been summarized below. Project Management has provided:
§  A clear project framework for achieving project specific goals and business goals.
§  An emphasis on phased development i.e. regular and measurable progress.
§  A systematic approach to resolving high-risk factors associated with an objective.
§  A focus on team thus inculcating the concept of teamwork and skill specialization – delegating tasks to team members selected for their skills that correspond to the requirements of the project, leading to specialized input into the development process.
§  A built-in mechanism for assessing the feasibility of a proposed project – assessing requirements and matching available resources to those requirements.
§  A process for involving all concerned parties into project execution, ensuring that the end product perfectly matches the requirements and thus avoiding last minute glitches.
§  A measure for incorporating Quality Assurance within the project life cycle thus producing Quality Outputs.
The above list is by no means exhaustive, but it gives very accurate picture of what value add Effective Project Management can do to the business and its projects.
To get a better understanding on what Project Management is, lets us now have a look on the various Project Management Objectives.

Idea principal: Son todos los conocimientos y habilidades que se puede lograr utilizando la gerencia de proyectos, y los beneficios que les ha traído a las diversas líneas de negocios por ello lo han incorporado como parte integrante de sus prácticas operativas.

1. In today's economy, all business lines have incorporated Project Management as an integral part of their operational practices.
NFV: have incorporated
FV:  have incorporated Project Management as an integral part of their operational practices.
FN: In today's economy, all business lines
NFN: lines
Pre Modificadores: In today's economy, all business


Tiempo verbal: Presente Perfecto.
2. Project Management has facilitated all business sectors to make profitable decisions as well as operationalize strategies to bring their projects to completion.
NFV:  has facilitated
FV: has facilitated all business sectors to make profitable decisions as well as operationalize strategies to bring their projects to completion.
FN: Project Management
NFN: Management
Pre- modificadores: Project

Tiempo verbal: Presente Perfecto.

 3. Project Management has brought profitability to various Business Lines in numerous ways.

  has brought

FV: has brought profitability to various Business Lines in numerous ways.

FN: Project Management
NFN: Management

Pre-modificadores: Project


Tiempo verbal: Participio Pasado.
 Pronombres demostrativos: those, that.

Conectores: of, with, but, it.

Ejercicio 1

Intellectual capital
The term intellectual capital collectively refers to all resources that determine the value and the competitiveness of an enterprise. As such, it includes as subsets the attributes that concur to building all financial statements as well as the balance sheet.
The value of an enterprise is made of physical assets, various financial assets and, finally, intangible assets, i.e., intellectual capital (IC). Extracting and measuring the real value and performance of intellectual capital is essential for any corporate head who knows how high the stakes have become for corporate survival in the knowledge and information age. So, the main point is how an organization can affect the firm's stock price using the leverage of intellectual assets.
The intangible refers to the fact that IC is not easily translatable in financial terms. All other assets of a company, such as a piece of real estate or a credit note, can be monetized: i.e., there exist standard criteria for expressing their value in currency. IC, instead, is mainly made of elements (such as the quality of employees or the reputation of a brand among consumers) for which there is no consensual model for monetary expression. A more precise name for IC would therefore be "non-financial assets".
In all definitions of IC, the following taxonomy can be recognized:
Human Capital
The value that the employees of a business provide through the application of skills, knowhow and expertise. Human capital is an organization’s combined human capability for solving business problems. Human capital is inherent in people and cannot be owned by organizations. Therefore, human capital can leave an organization when people leave. Human capital also encompasses how effectively an organization uses its people resources as measured by creativity and innovation.
Structural Capital
The supportive infrastructure processes and databases of the organization that enable human capital to function. Structural capital includes such traditional things as buildings, hardware, software, processes, patents, and trademarks. In addition, structural capital includes such things as the organization’s image, organization, information system, and proprietary databases. Because of its diverse components, structural capital can be classified further into organization, process and innovation capital. Organizational capital includes the organization philosophy and systems for leveraging the organization’s capability. Process capital includes the techniques, procedures, and programs that implement and enhance the delivery of goods and services. Innovation capital includes intellectual properties and intangible assets. Intellectual properties are protected commercial rights such as copyrights and trademarks. Intangible assets are all of the other talents and theory by which an organization is run.
Relational Capital
Consists of more identifiable items such as trademarks, licences, franchises, but also the less definable, such as customer interactions and relationships. The notion that customer capital is separate from human and structural capital indicates its central importance to an organization’s worth.
Palabras Nuevas:
Palabras de contenido (pc): capital, Intellectual,  Organization.
Palabras de función (pf): of, in, the.
Employees: n. Empleados.
Resources: n. Recursos.
Leveraging: adj.  Aprovechamiento.
Trademarks: n. Marca de fábrica.
Categorías Lexicales:
n: capital, organization, company
Adj: intellectual, Intangible
Adv: effectively, mainly
v:  can, become
Conj: Because, and, that, Therefore.
Prep: but, in
Art: the, a
Prefijos: innovation, intangible, subsets
Sufijos: mainly, protected
Cognados Positivos: programs, patents, Process, structural, licences.
Cognados Negativos: delivery.
Idea Principal del Texto:
Refiere que el capital intelectual son todos los recursos intangibles presente en la organización que a su vez, determinan la competitividad de la msima. Se dice que son términos o activos intangibles, ya que no es fácil traducible en términos financieros, por lo tanto se puede considerar “activos no financieros”
Texto en Español:
El término capital intelectual se refiere colectivamente a todos los recursos que determinan el valor y la competitividad de una empresa. Como tal, incluye como subconjuntos de los atributos que concurren a la construcción de todos los estados financieros, así como el balance.

El valor de una empresa que se haga de los activos físicos, diversos activos financieros y, por último, los activos intangibles, el capital, es decir, intelectual (CI). La extracción y la medición del valor real y el rendimiento del capital intelectual es esencial para cualquier cabeza corporativos que sabe qué tan alto que está en juego se han convertido para la supervivencia de las empresas en la era del conocimiento y la información. Así, el punto principal es cómo una organización puede afectar el precio de las acciones de la empresa mediante el apalancamiento de activos de propiedad intelectual.

Lo intangible se refiere al hecho de que la CI no es fácilmente traducible en términos financieros. Todos los demás activos de una empresa, tales como un pedazo de bienes raíces o una nota de crédito, pueden ser monetizados, es decir, no existen criterios uniformes para la expresión de su valor en moneda. IC, en cambio, está compuesto principalmente de elementos (tales como la calidad de empleados o la reputación de una marca entre los consumidores) para los que no existe un modelo de consenso para la expresión monetaria. Un nombre más preciso para la CI, por tanto, ser "activos no financieros".


En todas las definiciones de la CI, la siguiente taxonomía se puede reconocer:

Capital Humano
El valor que los empleados de una empresa proporcionan a través de la aplicación de habilidades, conocimientos técnicos y experiencia. El capital humano es una organización de capacidad combinada humanos para resolver problemas de negocios. El capital humano es inherente a las personas y no puede ser propiedad de las organizaciones. Por lo tanto, el capital humano puede dejar una organización cuando la gente deja. El capital humano incluye también la eficacia con una organización utiliza sus recursos de la gente, medida por la creatividad y la innovación.

Capital Estructural
Los procesos de infraestructura de apoyo y bases de datos de la organización que permiten el capital humano para funcionar. El capital estructural incluye cosas tan tradicionales como los edificios, hardware, software, procesos, patentes y marcas. Además, el capital estructural incluye cosas como la imagen de la organización, organización, sistema de información y bases de datos propietarias. Debido a sus diversos componentes, capital estructural se puede clasificar aún más en la organización, el proceso de la innovación y el capital. de capital organizacional incluye la filosofía organización y sistemas de aprovechamiento de la capacidad de la organización. Proceso de capital incluye las técnicas, procedimientos y programas que implementan y mejorar la prestación de bienes y servicios. Capital de la innovación incluye la propiedad intelectual y activos intangibles. Propiedades intelectuales están protegidos los derechos comerciales, tales como derechos de autor y las marcas. Los activos intangibles son todos los otros talentos y la teoría por la cual se ejecuta una organización.

Capital Relacional
Consta de varios elementos de identificación tales como marcas, licencias, franquicias, sino también el menos definible, tales como interacciones con los clientes y las relaciones. La noción de que el capital del cliente es independiente de capital humano y estructural indica su importancia central en el patrimonio de una organización.